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Jump the Queue featuring Murphy Fraser, Donna Drehmann, and Sue Duris

Released on MARCH 30, 2023

Do you need to rush out and adopt new tools like ChaptGPT to improve CX? Should we be more focused on the human-to-human connection? Are we simply not being strategic with our Customer Experience efforts delaying maturity?

On this episode of Jump the Queue, I talk with 3 CX pros about where their focus is right now.

We start in the home of Laverne and Shirley (yes, this is a test) with Murphy Fraser, Senior Consultant at TTEC Digital, who warns that with all the new and exciting tools out there, some may be executing tactically but not strategically.

Murphy on LinkedIn

Next, we head to the Music City to talk with Donna Drehmann, author of Things Lady Likes and Director of Customer Experience with Eargo, who talks about a specific initiative that she’s working on that may spark some ideas for your company!

Donna on LinkedIn

Things Lady Likes

Finally, we take a trans-Atlantic trip to the U.K. to talk with Sue Duris, Principal Consultant for M4 Communications, who’s working tirelessly to educate companies on how a focus on CX will drive long-term returns.

Sue Duris on LinkedIn

Music courtesy of Big Red Horse